Sunday, May 12, 2019

Story: the blue jackal

1. bark - (of a dog) to make a loud, rough noise.
EX: They heard a dog barking outside.

2. furiously - in a very angry way.
EX: "Get out of here!" she shouted furiously.

3. dye - to change the colour of something using a special liquid.
EX: He dyed his hair black.

4.bizarre - very strange and unusual.
EX: It is a bizarre situation.

5.universe - everything that exists, especially all physical matter, including all the stars, planets, galaxies,etc. in place.
EX:Is there intelligent life elsewhere in the universe?

6.humbly - in a way that shows that you do not think you are important.
EX: He very humbly ascribes his success to his wife.

7. instinctively - in a way that is not thought about planned, or developed training.
EX: She knew instinctively that he was dangerous.

There was a jackal, Chandrao. In order to avoid the chasing of the dogs, he jumped into the blue dye that lead to he was all blue. All the animals were confuse to see such a bizarre animal. Suddenly, there was a clever idea struck him, he told all the animals "Lord brahma has made me the king of all three worlds - heaven, earth and hell, so I will be your king", everyone believed and obeyed him. But one day, Chandrao heard the familiar "Awoo!Awoo!"cry of his fellow jackals, he instinctively craned his neck high in the air and let out a loud "Awoo!Awoo!". When everyone heard this, they soon figured out what was going on, so they wanted to catch Chandrao.

1 comment:


Just Money: Banking as if Society Mattered Institution:  Massachusetts Institute of Technology ( MIT)  Level: Introductory Language...